Friday, September 11, 2009

A new pretty wonderful blog message

Dearest family & friends,
Today was THAT day....the 1st, since surgery, it was the doctor visit and grade. They took x-rays, looked at my back, and handed back my homework with a "A" on it. I cried and hugged them and they smiled at me and at their handiwork. They said the people who know me the longest will understand the difference the easiest...straighter, taller.....I told them that that was probably why cousin Steve and my mother seem so amazed.

I love your standing by me........I hope to spend some time seeing those of you who can visit in the next month--I'm good before the evening- Probably I need another month and a half at home...then I can see begin to see clients in Oct/Nov. and start once a week physical therapy at U-M in Dec.

Those who are far away, I cherish your much love, laura

Sunday, September 6, 2009

And....we're back

Hello, dear friends.
It's been a month, almost, since you've heard from us. What that means is my 22 million staples have been taken out and thrown away (so much for the contest) because the nurses and doctors said you can't do much germ-ier than to save somebody's disgusting staples. I walk a little, I read a little, I laugh a little and I still cry a little.
The narcotics send me to the moon on a regular basis but sweet Marty keeps pulling me back. It's been clear that the caretakers really do suffer just as painfully as the patients and Marty has been my hero.
But none of this getting-well stuff would have happened without the mega doses of love from you all. I've truly felt how much we all mean to each other and there are no words for that except to say how much I love you all.
On Friday I'll get my first assessment from the doctor on whether or not my bones are fusing and the surgery has been a success. Check the blog and we'll let you know that news.
Again, all our love.
Laura (and Marty)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hey, creative minds!

We need your help. On Monday Laura is scheduled to have her staples removed, all 69 of them. She wants to keep them but she isn't sure how. That's where you come in. What would you do with them? Keep 'em in a transparent container? Make a sculpture out of them? Use them to build something? We want ideas. If you can't write on the blog, email me at
No prize, but everlasting glory--your name in the blog. Staples: Yeah, we've got that.
More seriously, Laura says her days consist of wildly fluctuating ups and downs but the one constant is your encouragement and affection. You can't overestimate how much this means to her.

Friday, August 14, 2009

At home

Slowly, Laura improves each day, although she's still thirsty, itchy and in pain. The narcotics alleviate the pain and cause the other two conditons. She's been seen by a visiting nurse and an occupational therapist and they both say she is doing well.
We appreciate all your offers of food and assistance. We will gratefully take you up on offers of assistance (we'll let you know) but please channel your food generosity toward Gleaners, Yad Ezra or the food bank of your choice. We are well provisioned.
Thank you and keep on the sunny side.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

She's home

Laura has left the building and is reacquainting herself with the comforts of home. If you're looking for oxycodone stay away from the CVS at 11Mile and Coolidge: they're out. I finally got her prescription filled at another drugstore; it was past her time for her next pain medication but she managed.
World's best thing to say to telemarketers: My wife is in the hospital and I can't deal with anything else. Stops 'em dead.
When Laura can negotiate stairs (tough negotiatiors, those stairs) she'll come up and take over the blog. Until then, I'll continue posting updates, you continue to keep on the sunny side. The thing that really counts happened today.
Laura's back.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

She's going home tomorrow!

Cleared for takeoff, Laura will be going home tomorrow (Wednesday), on her birthday. She can walk up and down stairs and get in and out of bed by herself. She and Junior Walker have been tearing up the hallways. Laura's mom, with her now, can't get over how straight and tall she is. We are all ecstatic. She has a lot of recovering to do, visits from nurses and physical therapists, follow-up appointments (one with a staple remover) but she's going home!
Thanks for all your good thoughts (don't stop now) and keep on the sunny side.

In true Motown style...

Laura took a few steps yesterday with a youth-size walker (she's not THAT tall) which she immediately named Junior Walker. Thought you'd like to know.