Friday, September 11, 2009

A new pretty wonderful blog message

Dearest family & friends,
Today was THAT day....the 1st, since surgery, it was the doctor visit and grade. They took x-rays, looked at my back, and handed back my homework with a "A" on it. I cried and hugged them and they smiled at me and at their handiwork. They said the people who know me the longest will understand the difference the easiest...straighter, taller.....I told them that that was probably why cousin Steve and my mother seem so amazed.

I love your standing by me........I hope to spend some time seeing those of you who can visit in the next month--I'm good before the evening- Probably I need another month and a half at home...then I can see begin to see clients in Oct/Nov. and start once a week physical therapy at U-M in Dec.

Those who are far away, I cherish your much love, laura

1 comment:

  1. Dear Laura - - The results you mention in your "pretty wonderful blog message" sound amazing to us. Whatever your "homework" consists of, there's no doubt that you've earned your "A". We really look forward to seeing you and Marty next month and may the remarkable healing continue.

    Bert and Elaine
