Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hey, creative minds!

We need your help. On Monday Laura is scheduled to have her staples removed, all 69 of them. She wants to keep them but she isn't sure how. That's where you come in. What would you do with them? Keep 'em in a transparent container? Make a sculpture out of them? Use them to build something? We want ideas. If you can't write on the blog, email me at
No prize, but everlasting glory--your name in the blog. Staples: Yeah, we've got that.
More seriously, Laura says her days consist of wildly fluctuating ups and downs but the one constant is your encouragement and affection. You can't overestimate how much this means to her.


  1. Welcome home Laura and congratulations on your physical and mental strength through all of this. Your in your safe place now with a better road ahead of you. As far as your staples go.....I would have Michelle (Dr LaMarca's nurse) give you a copy of the before and after xrays of your back. Take the staples and highlight the most severe part of your spine in the "before" xray. Frame the two together and display.
    I know how you feel right now. I remember the highs and lows after the surgeries. It does get better-trust me. Just remember I'm here for you-please call me anytime. Take care.

    Kathy Nigl

  2. Hi Laura,

    I can attest to the highs and lows too. My surgery not nearly as severe, but still the pain, the feeling of being unsure of just how much you can move certain ways, how long everything takes to do, the fatigue, the dependence....It does get better but at times doesn't feel like it will.

    No suggestion for the staples. I'd throw them out...but that's my nurse side talking, germs!
    They really aren't bad coming out. Just an occasional pinch. You're a Brave Heart, just go with it. Good luck on the staple ideas.

    Let me know when you might need a nurse, or just a friend for company.


  3. Dear Laura,
    Elaine and I are rooting for the down times to diminish and the up times to take over as soon as possible.
    Regarding the used staples, if it were me I'd be grateful if my physician were willing to dispose of them. On the other hand, if the physician were willing to give you just two of the fresh unused staples and they're in the configuration of regular staples, leaving one of them in its original configuration with its normal bends could symbolize your back's "before" situation, and straightening out the second staple so it has no significant bends could symbolize the "after" situation and an arrow drawn from the first to the second, a symbol of the effect of the remarkable surgery.

    Love and all of our best wishes,
