Tuesday, August 11, 2009

She's going home tomorrow!

Cleared for takeoff, Laura will be going home tomorrow (Wednesday), on her birthday. She can walk up and down stairs and get in and out of bed by herself. She and Junior Walker have been tearing up the hallways. Laura's mom, with her now, can't get over how straight and tall she is. We are all ecstatic. She has a lot of recovering to do, visits from nurses and physical therapists, follow-up appointments (one with a staple remover) but she's going home!
Thanks for all your good thoughts (don't stop now) and keep on the sunny side.


  1. After just one week? Laura, you are a truly amazing TOWER of strength!

  2. Wow! What a tough cookie! How wonderful that you're going home!

  3. Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday Dear Laura. Happy Birthday to YOU! And, Welcome HOME!!

    Great Job Kiddo. Much love, D & J

  4. What a great birthday present. I am sure you will be delightfully happy to be home.

    Congratulations. Love, Elaine

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I am sure you are very glad to be home. Congratulations, Linda and Jim

  6. Geezzz...I don't check the log for a couple of days and I miss out on all the news...Laura is home, right next door to me, and I didn't even realize it! Happy Belated Birthday...Happy Belated Homecoming...Happy, Happy!
