Saturday, August 8, 2009

A revelation

11:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8
Laura has at last seen her x-rays, which show an astonishing before-and-after difference in her spine. Finally, she gets it. She's very happy. Also making her happy: she just had her first cup of coffee in five days. They're letting her eat quasi-foods: cream of wheat (blecch), custard, milk, coffee.
Wearing her brace, she sat in a chair for two and half hours today.
Every so often they remove one of the things sticking into her--drains, catheters, i.v. lines; it's sort of a post-surgical striptease.
Keep good thoughts coming--it's working--and keep on the sunny side.


  1. I'm so relieved that all sounds better today. (your keep on the sunny side has returned)

  2. Marty's writing gives us all the opportunity to experience Laura's steps right along with her. Laura's growing, or should we say grown? Nifty.

    To go without coffee for 5 days is cruel and unusual. Where is Starbucks when we need 'em?
    Big smiles and hugs for you guys. D & J

  3. Marty,
    I'm so glad that Laura has seen results. I can picture her smiling.
    Continued love and support.
    Ellen and Tom

  4. Sounds like Laura's getting a bit of her sunny side back. Send love to her from us!

    Jacki and Dave
