Wednesday, August 5, 2009

She eats

4:40 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5
Laura had a little soup and bread, her first real food since the operation. She's majorly thirsty, needs water every two or three minutes---lots of fun for Maggie and me all day and now Anna. She's also had a little juice.
Dr. LaMarca was in, showed us today's CAT scan pictures: What a straight back! Especially compared to the BEFORE picture. Laura was slathered in cloth and plaster andmolds were taken for a plastic clamshell brace she'll be wearing. We saw her back and the hump appears to be pretty much gone.
She is supposed to get out of bed tomorrow. We'll see.
The hospital is like Ice Station Zebra. Anna just arrived with sweatshirts for us. Yay!
Besides thirsty, Laura is majorly itchy from the pain medication. They gave her something for the itches with a name like Atarax who I think was the king of the Ostrogoths.
Send good thoughts our way and keep on the sunny side.


  1. Glad to hear the good news so far. Before we know it she'll be ready for a meal at Seva's. Thanks for the updates Marty.

  2. Marty,
    We are very pleased and relieved. We send hugs and hugs. We know that there is much devil in the details, but the overall picture seems very good. BTW, I would have written earlier but couldn't find you on line til just a few minutes ago - techno-ignorance was the culprit. Re Ice-Station Zebra, hospitals are definitely clothes-layering zones. As you know, Tom and I stand at the ready to help in whatever way. Do you have a way? Anything at the house? Visiting you at the hospital? (just for a break - wouldn't see Laura, I'm sure). Bringing special food?

  3. Laura and Marty and Bea and Maggie and Anna,

    So glad to hear that recovery is going well. What a birthday present for Laura to strive to be pain free. All of my thoughts are with you.



  4. Dear Laura and Marty,
    John and I are sending 6 foot hugs to you both. You each have such courage and determination, but especially that shorter one who's actually DOING this amazing journey.
    Bring the sunshine of her many friends in to Laura in the ICU, (and perhaps you can also bring your guitar?)
    Keep us blogged; this is a great way to keep us informed, and we are grateful. Susie

  5. Hi Marty - I just found the site and am so glad to hear the good news. Please let Laura know I am with her daily and sending her strength and courage on her road to recovery. Also, remind her to ask for physical and mental strength, from the powers that be, on a daily basis. It works wonders.

    Kathy Nigl

  6. Good news. We are happy to hear about the initial results. All our best to the patient and her dedicated supporters.


    Richard and Chris
