Monday, August 10, 2009

She sleeps

Laura finally had a restful night and looks terrific. The doctors said she looks better every day. We took a very short walk in the hall this morning which tired her out. Two of her three drains--the little plastic hand grenades that collect blood and ick (medical term)--have been removed and the third one is due out today. Also gone is the port in her neck that looked painful.
The overnight campout was very successful except they wouldn't let us toast marshmallows because of all the oxygen. Something about the hospital burning down. I'm spending the day doing necessary evils, like mowing the lawn.
Send good thoughts our way and keep on the sunny side.


  1. She sounds more than on track. How great! And lucky you, out of the hospital today. i hope the rain doesn't stop that mowing. Did you ever think mowing the lawn would ever look so good? There are some things in life you just can't explain.

    Give my best to Laura today...or tomorrow, whenever you get this and can send it on.

    Oh, and I am on the sunny side.


  2. greetings--
    all the signs are great; recovery is abloom.
    keep on truckin'

  3. Laura,

    Knowing you are taller than your mother must be great but there are no words, I imagine, for knowing in your core that you made the right decision for yourself and your future.

    It's so inspirational.

    Love Barbara

  4. Laura, So wonderful to finally read you are returning to your old(young) self and that all of our prayers for you are being answered. Time goes slowly when you are not feeling well. I know with your sense of the absurd and sense of dark humor, you will get through this with the possibility of a book of poetry, prose or jokes to offer to us all.
    xxoo love Jo
